From: Joe Marrone - La Jolla, CA

Dear Mr. Stansell, Sorry for not writing sooner about the wonderful book restoration you and the artisans at Craft Bookbinding accomplished at what I consider to be a very fair price. Let me start by saying the structure or foundation of this very large book was done to perfection. The book opens with ease and the pages are secure in the spine. Owning a working book and not just a shelf ornament was very important to me and you did a great job from the inside out. The repairs and your methods for treating the heavy water stains added to the books enjoyment. Turning the pages and reading this book without losing the 1729 feel of wisdom and patina restores my faith in American Craftsmanship. Your choice of leather and coloring for the binding and authentic period Cambridge style covers gives me a sense of royalty in my own library. Ed, I have shown the book to a few and already people are asking me who did this binding and will you give us his name. I hope to send you some additional work in the future and want to give you my endorsement and a highest recommendation. Please use my name if your customers need a reference. Thank you, Joe Marrone La Jolla, California 92037 San Diego Historic Landmark #22

From: Granville H. Bowie, III - Kennebunk, ME

Ed - GREAT job! I thought that spine would be nearly impossible to piece back together and make look whole, but you did it. You transformed a really rare book that was falling apart back into a volume fit for a serious collector's library. You have my "eternal" gratitude - - and business! Best regards, Gran

From: Jean Marie Guerville - La Queue En Brie, France

Mr. Ed Stansell,
     I received this day the Russian manuscript. It is a great joy for me.
     Well done to restore life to a beautiful manuscript.
     Bravo for your exceptional work is beautiful !!!!!!
     Thank you. Without your help these family books lose their lives.
     I send you by return mail another Arabic script to give me a quote.
     A big thank you my gratitude,
     Jean Marie Guerville

From: Jacqui Hinton - Pahrump, NV

Ed, The book arrived today. I have called everybody who I told about having the work done to come and see it. I was jumping around and yelling; and, so excited even the cottontails in my back pasture started scurrying about. I AM ECSTATIC!!! It is simply AWESOME. You have done an unbelievable job. No wonder you are known as the "master binder." Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I am recommending you to all my friends. I am sure you have more work than you can handle and don't need me to do any personal advertising for you. But, I can't help but sing your praises because I am SO satisfied. Thank you again for the beautiful work you did. Jacquie

From: Neil Berman, - Waccabuc, NY

Dear Ed, I would like to thank you for the fine job you did saving some of my books, among them, my three Sherlock Holmes books. Although they are not old, it turns out they are scarce and would be exceeding difficult if not impossible to replace. Your rebinding work is so fine that the only thing that gives it away, that it is not original, is that the job is superior to the original. You charged me on the twin set in a slip case $280.00 to repair and rebind it in replica style, and at the same time I was offered a lone volume two, dog eared nearly to death for $900.00 by a reputable dealer. I have been collecting books for over thirty years, and this has been the first occasinon that I have had a flood, destroying a large part of my collection, and therefore requiring a skilled craftsman to repair those that were salvaged. You can see why I am quite pleased, and you should feel free to use me as a reference, should the occasion arise. Sincerly, Neil S. Berman

From: Historic Charleston Foundation - Charleston, SC

Dear Mr. Stansell: On behalf of Historic Charleston Foundation and the Friends of the Courthouse, I would like to thank you for the restoration and binding work that was done on the Friend's collection of 18th and 19th century legal books. As you well know, the books needed much attention as many had split or missing bindings. Your skillful handiwork has greatly improved the oveall condition and appearance of these books, The "new" leather bindings with gold lettering are exquisitly accomplished. We are delighted to display such fine work in the Petigru Law Library in the Historic Courthouse at the four corners of law in Charleston. Historic Charleston and the Friends of the Courthouse would be happy to be listed as references for you and the Craft Bookbinding Company. We look forward to working with you in the future. Sincerely, Jonathan H. Posten Director of Museums and Preservation Initiatives

From:Pat Peterson, St. Elizabeths School - Wilmington, DE

Dear Mr. Stansell: Our restored 1908-30 St. Elizabeth Elementary School Register arrived earlier this week. I can't begin to tell you how thrilled I was when I opened the package. Not in my wildest imagination did I picture it looking as great as it does. Your work is unbelievable! As we both know, I brought you a book that was a total mess and you restored it to look like it must have when the Benedictine Sisters first began to record in it in 1908. The register will be on display during our 100th celebration in 2008. It will be viewed through a protective case. The photocopies that I made of it before I brought it to you will be there for people to search through. I am so thankful that you were still in Delaware when I pursued the project of having the register restored. You are indeed a Master Craftsman. Sincerely, P. Patricia Peterson Director of Development St. Elizabeth Elementary School Wilmington, Delaware

From: Gena Arnold - Cumming, GA

Mr. Stansell, The Bible arrived Saturday. I was filled with emotion when I saw your beautiful work. I couldn't believe my eyes. I never expected the Bible to look like new nor did I ever imagine torn pages could be made new again. I can't tell you how happy I am and I much I thank you for your time and your great talent. I am blessed beyond words and I am so thrilled that my daddy's Bible will be present for many, many years to come. God Bless you and thank you so much. Please pass my thanks on to others that had a part in the restoration. I am saving my money and will be contacting you about the case very soon. Again, thank you so very much. Gena Arnold

From: Michael Diederich - South San Francisco, CA

Ed, The book arrived today--I'm thrilled with the craftsmanship that you put into this tiny treasure! I can't thank you enough for restoring St. Onge's very first miniature book--and now the centerpiece of my growing St. Onge collection. What an incredible transformation! It now sits prominently in a miniature bookcase on the wall of our study, to be admired daily. I'm sending the two-volume Milton set to you in tomorrow's post. Work more magic, Ed, and do let me know what fees you require for task. Thanks so much, again, Ed. Best to you, Michael

From: Craig Kronhart - Hong Kong

Dear Ed, I managed to get back home during December and finally had a chance to look at the book that you restored -- your reputation is very well deserved. I was amazed at the attention to detail that you put into the restoration. The quality of the materials and the level of workmanship were both first class and left nothing to be desired. Thanks so much for the effort you put into this restoration; I look forward to being able to pass this book on to my children. All the best for you and your family in 2008. Best regards, Craig

From: Ellece Varnes - Madison, AL

Our Bible arrived today. It is truly more beautiful than we ever dreamed possible. What a treasure for our family to have. We were so fortunate to have found you. The detail to workmanship is more than we could hope for. Thank you so very much. Your endeavor could not be appreciated more. God bless you and your family, Ellece

From: Arlene Coppadge - Wilmington, DE

WoooooooooooooW mere words can't adequately express my appreciation and total satisfaction with the finish product. Despite the fact that I am well aware of your extraordinary talent….. The book exceeded my expectation. More importantly, it left my daughter completely speechless. She has never been one who is lost for words. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Arlene Coppadge and family.

From: Elisabeth Wingerter - Canton, OH

Hi Ed,this is Elisabeth Wingerter, the one you've been making the huge locked book for for months now. I just got my book about 20 minutes ago, and I wanted you to know that it is perfect. This book idea meant so much to me, and you made it into exactly what it should be. I have to admit I cried a little when I held it the first time, I was so happy. Anyway, just wanted to say thank you for a job very well done, it was definitely worth the wait! Thanks again, and take care! Elisabeth Wingerter

From: Dixie B. Baker - Redondo Beach, CA

I received the family bible you restored for me, and I am amazed, impressed, and very, very pleased with the excellent work you did on it. When my husband's mother passed away in November, we found this huge bible, with both front and back leather covers torn off, and the leather spine cover torn into three pieces. But the goldleaf and woodblock art prints were gorgeous, and the book obviously was very old. So I sent it off to you to restore, and I'm SO GLAD I did! It's absolutely beautiful! I had not realized that the front and back covers were actually leather-relief! You are very skilled artists, and I am very glad I found you! Thank you so much for caring for this book as much as it obviously deserved to be cared for! -Dixie Baker

From: Longwood Gardens - Kennett Sq., PA

Since the fall of 1977, Mr. Stansell has done our binding, rebinding, restoring or making facsimile bindings to our rare books. Since he was unknown to me at the time, I had him restore one volume of "Edward's Botanical Register" for a comparison with the New York City conservatory that I had been using. I was so well pleased to find a local conservator that I have had Mr. Stansell do all of our rare book restoration ever since. Sincerely yours, Enola Jane N. Teeter Librarian

From: Andrew D.N. Wilson - Aiken, SC

 Dear Mr. Stansell,

 I have just received the volume of Macaulay's "History of England" which you have repaired and restored for me. I would like to thank you for the superb job, and a repair that seems almost undetectable. I had no idea that a detached board could be joined so neatly. I am quite delighted with the results, and I appreciate greatly the work you did.

Yours sincerely,

Andrew D. N. Wilson

From; Mark Colantonio - Weirton, WV

Ed: today, I received the Huckleberry Finn book which I had sent to you for restoration. As a collector of rare books for approximately 20 years, I believe I know good binding work when I see it. Your work is outstanding. I have always debated whether to entrust the restoration of a truely "rare" book to anyone, because you never know whether you will get something back that has actually decreased the value of the book. Well the debate is over. Your work has truely restored this valuable book back to what is once was and nothing more. You have greatly enhanced the value of this rare book. I would highly recommend your work to anyone who wants perfection - and why would anyone want anything else. Mark

From: Mary V. Nelson - State College, PA

Thank you for sending my Bible which I received on Monday. It has turned out so well, better than I thought it would be. It really is a lovely Bible and I appreciate all the trouble you have taken to make it so. As you said, these Bibles are very handsome. My family will enjoy this one for years to come. I enjoyed the phone conversation too and hearing all about Clifton. Thank you again. Mary Nelson

From: Holy Trinity (Old Swedes)Church Foundation, Inc.

I would like to recommend Mr. L.E. Stansell to you as a quality bookbinder. In April of 1985, the Holy Trinity (Old Swedes) Church Foundation contracted with Mr. Stansell to rebind several volumes of Old Swedes Church burial records and several books in our library. Some of the bindings had deteriorated to the point where the book had to be resewn as well as rebound. One volume had to be deacidified. Mr. Stansell did an excellent job. He was responsive to the foundation's needs and helpful in choosing the correct binding materials for each book. All the volumes that we entrusted to him are in excellent shape. It is obvious from the results that he takes pride in doing quality work. The foundation was more than satisfied with his work and would not hesitate to use his services again. I would highly recommend him to you. Sincerely, Lisa A. Nichols Curator

From: John Baier - Malibu, CA

Hi Ed, You just rebound a childrens fairytale book for me, I wanted to let you know that it is absolutely gorgeous! I was a bit taken aback when I first heard how much the project would cost, but I must say you have turned a broken beaten up book that nobody wanted to read (even though it had been read for many many hours) into a real treasure, that we will always admire. A funny aside, I've read and told our kids for the last 7 years that that book was a family treasure that my parents had read to me from when I was a child. Well it turns out, that my wife's sister actually bought the book at a yard sale seven years ago for 99cents! But now, it is a family treasure; and I think we'll stick with the original story, now that we have what looks like a family heirloom to match!! Thank you, we appreciate your craftsmanship. Sincerely, John Baier

From: City of Wilmington, Delaware

I am pleased to submit this letter of reference for L. Edward Stansell. For over thirty years Mr. Stansell has been providing the City of Wilmington with beautiful leather bound volumes of its City Council meeting minutes to serve as a permanent record of these proceedings. He is extremely reliable and conscientious and produces a high quality archival product.... Sincerely, Leo T. Marshall City Clerk

From: Charles van Ravenswaay - Wilm., DE

For many years I have been a collector of books, many of them rare, old, and, fragile. Sometimes their physical condition when acquired calls for expert conservation treatment, whether repairs to the original binding, completely new bindings, or being given a protective case. Mr. L. Edward Stansell of Wilmington, Delaware has carried out a considerable amount of conservation work for me. His repairs and bindings have been consistantly painstaking and workmanlike. He has shown taste and good judgment in recommending colors and types of binding material. His finished work is not only pleasing to the eye but sturdy. I do not hesitate to recommend Mr. Stansell's work to others who know and appreciate fine books and want them to receive proper conservation attention. Charles van Ravenswaay

From: Randall Shaffer - Alexandria, VA

Hi Ed, We received our bible today. Your work is remarkable. We are very happy with the results. Thank you for all your work. Randy

From: Nanette Davis - Grimesland, NC

Hi Ed, The bible arrived a little earlier today and it looks great! A restoraton and not a remodeling - very nicely done. I'm sure it will be good for another 200 years and I will happily send it off to Germany ... a little late for her confirmation last April but no harm done. I had sent her a genealogy report on the family that originally owned the bible and how it has been passed down in the family with the collection of signed gift cards that it contained, tracking the ownership through the years. Thanks again, Nanette Davis

From: Frank McKelvey, Jr. Hagley Museum

I have just had a chance to see the work done on "Uncle Lou's Book." I must say that I am more than satisfied with the finished product. It is encouraging in this day and age to find someone with your sense of care and craftsmanship. Thank you for helping us make this tribute to our beloved professor. Sincerely, Frank McKelvey, Jr. Curator of Mechanical Arts

From: Alan Tillotson - New Castle, DE

Thank you very much for your work on my thesis. I was really surprised at the quality. I have had occasion to see the bound works of other students on the shelves at the college, and your work seems to be the best I've seen. Perhaps I will have an opportunity to make use of your services again in the future, or at least recommend you to others. Sincerely yours, Alan Tillotson

From: Potter, Anderson & Corroon

I am delighted to provide a reference for Stansell's Craft Bookbinding Company. Stansell's has been binding our appellant briefs and records for at least 35 years and have done first rate, prompt and reliable work. I recommend them without reservation. Sincerely yours, Charles S. Crompton, Jr.

From: Jamie Wyeth - Chadds Ford, PA

I am indeed pleased to write this letter of recommendation for Edward Stansell. Over the past 25 years, Mr. Stansell has done bookbinding for me. His knowledge, skill, and advocacy of the "art of books" is unsurpassed. In addition to binding rare books for me, he created pads of hand wove paper for use in my artwork. I and my father, are particularly discerning with our art materials, and Mr. Stansell met the highest standards.... With best regards, Jamie Wyeth

From: Mrs. Alfred Bissell - Greenville, DE

Concerning the work, you have done our bookbinding for my magazines and books. I have been pleased with this work for at least 30 or 40 years - I hope you will continue to be able to help me. Yours truly, Julia A. Bissell

From: Denison Hatch, Jr. - Wilmington,DE

As you know, in my dealings with you over the past five years, I have been impressed by your considerable skill in bookbinding as well as your conscientiousness. Very truly yours, Denison Hatch, Jr.

From: Mrs. Lammot duPont Copeland - Mt. Cuba, DE

Mr. L.E. Stansell has been taking care of books in my library that needed attention as well as binding my "Antiques Magazine" for many years. I have found his work thoroughly satisfactory and believe him qualified to do any work he feels competent to do. Very truly yours, Pamela C. Copeland Mrs. Lammot duPont Copeland

From: Kalmar Nyckel Foundation - Wilmington, DE

Dear Mr. Stansell, I wanted to thank you for restoring the copy of the 1938 newspaper exhibited in our shipyard museum. I very much appreciate your assistance in preserving history as it relates to the city and the Kalmar Nyckel Foundation. Thank you again. Regards, Steven D. Luthultz Executive Director

From: Alan Schaffer - Eatonton, GA

Ed, Got the Bible Monday. It was at the post office who had tried to deliver it last week. I want to thank you for doing such a nice job. The leather is beautiful and feels like its been on there forever. I’ll be sure to keep you in mind if any of my friends need your help. Regards, Alan Schaffer

From: Marilyn McVicker - Bakersville, NC

Hello, I want to thank you for the wonderful job you did in restoring our Mother's childhood book, Wynken, Blynken and Nod. It has been in the family close to 100 years now, and it is a book we grew up loving. It had gotten to the point that it was unreadable -- a pile of pages falling apart, leaving a mess of dissolving paper parts on your lap. I never imagined that it would look as good as it does now! It now has a binding, the pages are repaired and no longer dogeared, shredded from over-use. However, the most amazing thing, is that with the repairs, the books still maintains its aura of historical significance. It still looks like it was loved and read by generations of children in our family. And, because of its restoration, it will continue to be read, nourishing another generation of granchildren, who will thrill to the poetry and the superb illustrations you have preserved, rather than disintegrating into a pile of dust. Thank you so much, from all of us. Marilyn McVicker

From: Jeff Gruver - Roanoke, VA

I would like to recommend Ed Stansell to you as an highly skilled book restoration professional. In October of 2003, I contacted Mr. Stansell and discussed with him the rebinding of a book which my wife and I found in a basement. The book we found is a copy of "The Federalist", printed and published by Jacob Gideon, June 1818. The boards front and back were torn lose and the spine was also in need of much attention. The leather binding was dry rotted, and would fall apart just by touching the book. Mr.Stansell did an excellent job, the new leather binding was crafted to look like the original binding with the gold lettering on spine. I am quite pleased to display this book in my book collection.n Mr. Stansell I would be more than happy to be listed as an reference to you and the Craft Bookbinding Company. I look forward to working with you in the future. Sincerely, Jeffrey Gruver Roanoke,VA

From: J. Simpson Dean, Jr. - Greenville, DE

This is a letter recommending the bookbinding work of Mr. L.E. Stansell. He has repaired the work and bookbindings on many books for me and I have been very satisfied with his workmanship. Very truly yours, J.S. Dean

From: Thomas Frank, M.D. - El Paso, TX

Book received. Masterfully restored. I would endorse your work. Looking at the before photos I am very impressed. Thank you very much.

From: Linda Mac Donald - Elkin, NC

Dear Ed, I have received the restored Bible you sent last week. It looks nearly exactly as I expected. I am very pleased with it. I am wondering if I should be applying some sort of special moisturizer to it occasionally to keep it soft as it is currently??? Any other recommendations to keep it in good shape?? Thanks for your help. Linda MacDonald

From: Jeanne Popyack - West Chester, PA

My Neiswender Bible arrived just as you said it would, in five days after you mailed it. It looks beautiful and I am pleased with it. Both of my sisters were here last week and they also admired the workmanship. Jeanne Popyack

From: Mildred Zimmerman - Pinellas Park, FL

Dear Edward, Thank you! The book looks like the original, so my uncle says. He is delighted and surprised to say the least. Now he has a treasure from his family and is very thankful. God bless, Mildred

From: Mrs. Frederic C. Pryor - Swarthmore, PA

Dear Mr. Stansell, Your book is beautiful, it is a work of art, and my husband was thrilled to see the exquisite results of his long waiting. Many thanks. I am sending you another book to be rebound, and also a sample copy which is a Japanese translation. With best regards, Zora Pryor

From: Mrs. George P. Bissell, Jr. -Greenville, DE

L.E. Stansell has been doing my bookbinding for almost fifty years. My Brother-in-law, the late Alfred E. Bissell, recommended Mr. Stansell to me in the early 1950s. Mr. Stansell does excellent work, is extremely reliable, and finishes his orders promptly. I have always been pleased with his work and would recommend him highly to anyone. Sincerely, Georgina M. Bissell

From: Richard Belser - New Brunswick, NJ

Hi Ed, I just wanted to let you know that I received the book you created for me (Electrophysiological Researches) and that I am very pleased with it indeed. I also received your invoice, which although not marked "paid" is (I presume) only for my records, as my bank shows a payment to you for the full billed amount. The next project I'd like you to take on for me is the repair of a book from 1809 ("An Epitome of Electricity and Galvanism") that was bound in full leather but has one loose and one completely detatched board. I will try to get it off to you within the next week or two - for your attention when you have the chance. Thank you again for the great job with my electrophysiological articles. - Ric Belser

From: Steven Davis - Salem, NJ

Dear Ed, Wanted to drop you a line on how impressed I was when I received the book you repaired for me. (Scotland's Gift: Golf) Haven't seen as many books as you have that have been repaired but I know that this book was definitely done by a true artisan. Well done. Thank you much, Steven P. Davis

From: David Daugherty - Riverdale, GA

Mr Stansell Received the bible last Monday. You did a great job restoring a book that was falling apart. The new binding and cover looks real good. It was brought here a 100 years ago with my grandfather and great grandparents, so it will be a nice keepsake for the family. David Daugherty

From: Eva Blazer - Salinas, CA

I just want to thank you for the incredible job you did restoring my husbands college certificate. It looks great!!! I would recommend you to everyone!!! Thank You, Eva Blazer

From: Marion Geist Fuhrman - Claymont, DE

You did an outstanding piece of work on my copy of "Brilliant Diamonds of Poetry and Prose", by Rev. O.H. Tiffany, DD, Editor, brought to you by Lloyd Webber..... It looks like a new book. My Grandfather gave the book to my father 116 years ago. I received the book in 1962. It is a treasure to me. I thank you very much for restoring the book for me. Sincerely, Marion Geist Fuhrman

From: Grace W. Klie - Wayne, NJ

Dear Sir; A note of thanks and appreciation for the fantastic work you did on my old family Bible. I greatly appreciate all the careful and intricate work it must have required, especially considering its sad state of repair. The Bible will always be a treasure to me. I would gladly recommend your company to anyone considering book restoration. Thank you again, so much. Sincerely, Grace W. Klie

From: American Camillia Society - Fort Valley, GA

I am writing this letter as a recommendation for book restoration work by L. Edward Stansell, 2525 Ebright Road Wilmington, Delaware 19810. Three years ago we were advised that Mr. Stansell was a very capable book restorer and had done some restoration work for Longwood Gardens and Winterthur. We had Mr. Stansell take a large book, printed in 1669, and bind it in leather and letters according to the way it would have been in 1669. The book was truly a masterpiece. We also had him take apart a three volume work of a series of books in the 1850's. He carefully took them apart and rebound them to look exactly like the other ten volumes of the same set of books. We found his work outstanding and his prices well within a reasonable range. If we had further work on books we would certainly ask Mr. Stansell to do them. Sincerely yours, Milton H. Brown Executive Director

From: Marilyn McVicker - Bakersville, NC

Hello, Mr. Stansell, I am in receipt of my Bible, which you restored to virtually like-new condition! It is gorgeous! The binding, the pages, the red color on the edges--- look better than even when it WAS new! Thank you for taking the time to do such a beautiful job. It is a joy to hold in my hands. I have been unable to put it down, and reach for it, just for the lovely feel it is in my hands. Thank you. Marilyn McVicker

From: John Lewis - Bristol, RI

Dear Mr. Stansell, The most appreciative thanks for your painstaking care and virtuosity in the restoration of the volume Gettysburg National Parks Reports 1893-1904. It stands now handsomely on the mantel as the fourth and final element of the quartet of volumes, Pennsylvania at Gettysburg and Pennsylvania at Chickamauga, all coordinately done and wrought to regal elegance by your hand. What treasures. Thank you for all you have done. Best Regards, John Lewis

From: Jay Dallett - Wilmington, DE

I didn't feel that I expressed my thanks fully after leaving you Saturday. You have perfected a fine art that I had little appreciation for prior to seeing my book restored. I now understand why such a task takes time and steady, caring hands. My idea of what had to be done was far too simplistic. Thank you, Jay Dallett

From: Mary Kay Fry - Santa Barbara, CA

Mr. Stansell, I've received my bible and am extremely happy with the beautiful, exquisitely crafted restoration you did for me. Both the materials and the master fabrication are greatly appreciated. Thank you very much. Mary Kay Fry

From: Matthew Myers - MS

Mr. Stansell, I received my Bible this afternoon. It is even better than I expected, I am very pleased with it and I shall treasure it. I think this may be the best money I ever spent, for any reason. Many thanks, you have done a wondeful job. Sincerely, Matt Myers

From: Cynthia Becker - Kennett Square, PA

I wanted to drop a note to thank you so much for completing the book well in advance of Father's Day. It looks just great and I can not wait to give it to my Dad. He will be so surprised and excited! Again, thanks very much for doing such an awesome job and for helping make my Dad's Father's Day special. I hope you enjoy the day as well. Cindy Becker

From: Michael N. Butera - Houston, TX

Mr. Stansell, The book did arrive this afternoon. You did an absolutely superb job in restoring it. The restoration job was truly much, much better than I could have ever imagined possible. The transformation was absolutely magical. I'm not sure if I mentioned this, but I wanted the NT restored so that I could present it as a Christmas present to my mom -- it was her father's NT he carried in WWII. Thanks to your (literally) magical work, this little volume will be in our family for years and years to come. The work was worth every penny and then some -- you've made it absolutely priceless. Thanks so much for your hard work and superb craftsmanship! Most sincerely, Michael Butera

From: Superior Court of the State of Delaware

Ms. Lynn Wallace Smith Lorain County Record Center 320 N. Gateway Boulevard Elyria, OH 44035 RE: Letter of Recommendation CRAFT BOOKBINDING COMPANY Edward Stansell Ms. Smith: For almost forty years, Mr. Stansell and the Craft Bookbinding Company provided Judgement Index books to the New Castle County (NCC) Prothonotary's Office, the clerk of the Superior Court. As more and more court services were computerized and moved to Web based, the need for Mr. Stansell's Company and services declined. In the early 1990's, the NCC Prothonotary's Office needed several large, old Civil Docket books and Judge Index books repaired. These old docket books contained valuable official Superior Court case data which needed to be preserved for an indefinite period of time. The Craft Bookbinding Company was contacted to provide the repair service. Mr. Stansell and Craft Bookbinding repaired all the docket and Judgment books at a fair price, in a timely fashion and with excellent workmanship. I recommend Mr. Edward Stansell and Craft Bookbinding Company for any new or restoration binding work. If you have specific questions, I can be reached at the above number. Sincerely, Sharon D. Agnew NCC Prothonotary

From: Mary Kay Fry - Incline Village, NV

Thank you so much for taking the time to send me the photos. Your work is beautiful and will last many, many years! Thanks again. Mary Kay Fry

From: Oscar Abela - Lake Placid, FL

Hi Ed: I received the book and am extremely pleased with the wonderful job you did. I will definitely keep you in mind for all my further restoration needs. Best regards, Oscar Abela

From: Andrea Eykyn - Charleston, SC

Dear Mr. Stansell, I am truly sorry that I have taken so long to tell you how pleased I am with your restoration of my family bible. It looks wonderful and has brought me many moments of wonder and joy since I am no longer hesitant to turn the pages and read the inscriptions. Thank you so very much for the fine, masterful restoration you have performed . I received a phone message from your wife today. YES, I would be most grateful to have the photos of the Bible before you transformed it. Thank you for thinking of me. I will not hesitate to recommend your services to anyone who is need of bookbinding/restoration. And again, thank you so very much for bringing my family bible back to life. Sincerely, Andrea Eykyn

From: Eliot K. Nymeyer - Crete, IL

Sir; You are finally getting an "official" Thank You! for the excellent bookbinding job you did on my two Bibles. The work is quality and "re-makes" both books. Both are usable again and makes a person able to take them to church. My tendency to use rubber bands and duct tape is really not appropriate. You re-doing of the inner works (the various loose or damaged pages of these Bibles) has also been wonderfully done. Many thanks for the nice work!!! With kind regards, Eliot K. Nymeyer

From: James W. (Bill) Parker, M.D. - Somerset, KY

We recently received the two Bibles you repaired and shipped off Kathy's Bible to her. As her Bible was in much worse condition, we carefully examined it before sending it off to her. That Bible is one of her main sources of comfort in trying times. She uses it in intercessory prayer many times a day, and is like a part of her. We were very concerned about the repair, and how she would accept it. The repair was outstanding. The Bible was beautiful and returned to a totally functional basis. The many repaired pages still allows new markings to be done as she studies, and the chapters that had previously been falling out are now a part of the whole. The leather covering and lettering on the binding and the cover is magnificent. The repair was far better than we had hoped, and we were very thankful. We shipped the Bible over night to where Kathy was on vacation, and she was equally pleased. My Bible was not as critical to me, as I use multiple translations and have Bibles both at home, at work, and usually even in my car. However, this Bible was my favorite, and had more notes than any other one in my collection. I had hated having the leather cover begin to rip, and had tried to protect it from further harm, but it still progressively worsened. When I got home to see my Bible, I found my "friend" resurrected, and looking better than it had when it was brand new. The cover is much finer, and inside binding is wonderful. Both Kathy and myself thank you for a super job, and I can definitely recommend you to anyone who desires quality, custom bookbinding repair. James W. (Bill) Parker, M.D. Somerset, KY

From: William Welch - Dallas, TX

Dear Mr. Stansell, I received our restored family bible today. Thank you! The restoration is magnificent and much more than I would ever have expected especially since the original condition was pretty bad. My Great - Grandfather Highsmith would be proud. My sister is a missionary with Wycliffe Bible translators, and she will really appreciate seeing the result of your hard work. I didn't realize what a work of art and history our bible is. Before I was afraid to touch it in fear of doing damage. Thanks again, William Welch PS We have another Family Bible from my Mother's side. When I save up a little I would like you to look at it. It's a little older, but in much better shape

From: Weatherford Design Co. - Tecumseh, MI

Ed, - A quick note to thank you for the terrific restoration work on the M & H Schrenkeisen Furniture Catalog. I am very pleased. Jeff

From: Catherine Schmid - Tampa FL

Hello Ed, My Bible arrived today in the mail. It looks great, you did a fantastic job and it was well worth the wait. Thank you very much, Catherine Schmid

From: Brian O'Bannon - Cypress, CA

Mr. Stansell, I got my bible today. It is wonderful!! I am very pleased. Thank you very much!!! Brian Paul O'Bannon

From: Michael Pool - Waynesboro, TN

Thanks again for the great job on my Bible, Michael

From: Dr. Shawn D. Johnson - Wheeler, TX

I just received back my Bible. It looks and feels great. Thank you so much. If there is anyone who needs to use me as a reference for your work, feel free to have them contact me. Dr. Shawn D. Johnson Wheeler, Texas

From: Daniel Heffernan - Howell, NJ

Ed - The Bible was delivered today. My wife and I are very pleased with it and happy that it could be restored. You did a wonderful job and it looks great. Thanks for your guidance and suggestions. They were most helpful. Regards, Dan

From: Thelma Johnson - Hobbs, NM

Hi, Just received the old deed you restored and framed for me. It is beautiful!! The work you did to save it for me was excellent. The frame matches the document. It was an excellent job all the way around. Thank you very, very much. Thelma Johnson

From: Steve Sparhawk - Olympia Washington

Ed, Thanks for calling. Yes, I did receive the bible and the work you've done is wonderful. Thank you very much. You obviously are a first rate craftsman which is hard to find nowadays. Thanks again Steve

From: Elizabeth Brinkley - Cambridge, MA

I meant to send this a week ago, to thank you for doing such a good, quick job on David Stone's dissertations. I remembered seeing the quotation in your shop and thought it was appropraite. In case he didn't tell you himself, the secretaries who collect these things in the Harvard graduate office thought it was the handsomest work anyone's dissertations arrived in. Glad I got to meet you! Have a good summer, Elizabeth Brinkley

From: Nelida Flynn - Brightwater, NY

Dear Mr. Stansell and staff, 12/1/06 I received my Bible today. Thank you very much for the wonderful job you did on rebinding and restoring my bible. It was like having an old friend brought back to me. I will recommend your services to everyone I know. Thank you again! Have a wonderful Holiday. Sincerely, Nelida Flynn

From: F. Key Murray - Wilmington, DE

Dear Ed, Thanks for a very good restoration on my family Bible. I much appreciate it. Key Murray

From: Prickett, Jones, Elliot, Kristol & Schnee

This is a letter of recommendation for Stansell's Craft Bookbinding Company, particularly in the field of the restoration of old books as well as the special binding of books. Over the years, they have done a number of jobs for me and for this law firm. Their work has always been timely, first class, and their prices in this specialty have been reasonable. Very truly your, William Prickett

From: Wm. P. Frank, News-Journal Co. 1986

As a book collector and old time bibliophile, I want to testify to the ability of L.E. Stansell of Ebright Rd. near Wilmington, in the skill of bookbinding. Personally, I have known him for his care and devotion to this very important craft in the preservation of books, quite often under some very tiring and challenging conditions. In this era of ours, I consider Mr. Stansell a most unique craftsman. Very truly yours, Willim P. Frank News-Journal Co.

From: Robyn Greener - Watham, MA

Dear Ed, I just received the Bible and wanted to thank you for the wonderful job you did. It looks absolutely beautiful! I didn't realize before that there were images etched into the covers. You do amazing work and I am grateful for the time, effort, and expertise you put into it. I am sure Michael will love it when I give it to him at our wedding! Thank you, Robyn Robyn E. Greener, MS Contract Manager Business Operations PAREXEL International Corporation 200 West Street Waltham, MA 02451 Phone: (781) 434-5559 Fax: (781) 434-5992

From: Kim Stewart - Carlsbad, CA

Dear Ed, Thank you so much for restoring our beloved Family Bible. My daughter was very exited to add her name! It's perfect. Thanks again, Km Stewart

From: Michael Butera - Houston, Tx

The second volume arrived today. Absolutely BEAUTIFULLY done! As always, the work was far above expectations. Thanks so much for the professional craftsmanship and superb work. Well worth the wait and investment. Many thanks, Michael Butera

From: David Redwine, M.D. - Bend, OR

Ed, 'Fibroids and Allied Tumours' arrived safe and sound in Bend today. It looks great. You guys did a great job. I feel like I can open the book without breaking it. Thanks David Redwine

From: Frank Camp - Potomac, MD

Mr. Edward Stansell's skill in restoring my book was nonpareil. The book; "The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam", was published in 1906 and is no longer in print. This version is a translation by George Roe and features many explanatory footnotes. My copy was a family heirloom and was badly damaged by an incompetent bookbinder. The binding was improper causing the pages to break at the spine and transparent tape was used which had turned brown over the years. Ed successfully restored the pages, removed the offending tape and correctly bound the book in a new cover. The book is now completely restored and usable. Persons wishing to restore damaged books would be well served by Mr. Stansell. Frank Camp

From: Rolf D. Peterson - Haslett, MI

Ed: What Joy!!!! I received the restored 'Confession of Faith' edition and am very pleased at the results! You did a wonderful job and I want to personally thank you for your craftmanship and just know that my family will enjoy this for many generations to come. If I can be a personal testimony please feel free to use my name. I will also recommend you to anyone that I might meet that is looking for this kind of work. Rolf Peterson

From: Richard Stephenson - Cornwall, UK

Ed; Just came back from the Post Office and there it was - I got the book. Must say you and your team are "Artists". I am very impressed and very satisfied with your work - well spent money. Thanks and hope to do business again in the near future - Job Well Done! Cheers Rik

From: Ann Soderman - Fayetteville, GA

Hi Ed, I received my Bible today. I could tell by the way it was carefully wrapped and packaged that you are indeed a craftsman who values and strives for excellence in your work. That is greatly appreciated. I love the navy blue color. I am recommending you and your company to a friend of mine who needs to have her Bible rebound. Thank you for demonstrating high standards, and for your prompt and courteous phone and e-mail responses. I know that, Lord willing, I will treasure using my Bible for many more years to come.Is there anything I need to do periodically to take care of the leather binding? Your work is superb, and I want to make sure I keep the binding in the best condition possible. Ann

From: Delight W. Dodyk - Ridgewood, NJ

Dear Ed, I apologize for not getting back to you when the bibles arrived—which they did in very timely fashion. My nephew is thrilled with his, the 1888 volume. (The other hasn’t been given yet, but I am thrilled). Both books look splendid and are very much appreciated. Your preservation of the very damaged first page of the older book is beautifully done and preserves well the inscription. It is such a pleasure to have these family heirlooms in lovely looking and very useable condition. Thank you very much for your superior work. Best and cheers, Delight

From: Donald J. Sachs - Detroit, MI

Hi Ed, I received my restored prayer book in time for it to be presented to me by my daughters on the occasion of my 'second' Bar Mitzvah at our synagogue. Thank you so much for making that possible. The restoration that you performed on my damaged prayer book is truly remarkable and exceeded my expectation. I can't thank you enough for doing what you did and returning it to me in time for my special occasion. Don Sachs

From: Steven P. Cook, M.D. - Wilmington, DE

Once again, I can't thak you enough for the beautiful job you did binding my antique medical books. As you know, these books were purchased fro the library of the Philadelphia College of Physicians and some are well over a hundred years old. The beautiful job you did maintaining the book covers and marbleized end pieces lends a particular air of authenticity and of course your leather work and gold printing makes the books more than a collector's item: more a piece of art work. As I collect further books that may need work, you can be assured I will send my business to you. Sincerely yours, Steven P. Cook, M.D.

From: Deborah Ford - Opelika, AL

The bible arrived today. It's looks absolutely wonderful. I can't believe the binding. It's like it was never messed up. And the individual pages you restored are immaculate. I just can't imagine how much time, talent, and effort this took. You evidently truly love your work. Thank you so very much. You have returned a family treasure to it's beauty and relevance. Sincerely, Debbi Ford

From: Rosamand L. duPont Books - Kennett Square, PA

Dear Ed; The book arrived in beautiful shape. The spine looks perfect and I can't tell if you did put the leather covers on or not. Its a great job and many thanks. Best regards, Roz PS. Let me know if you just added the new spine or if you did the whole book?

From: Michael F. Bowman - Brighton, MI

Thank you so much for both the Bibles! I just received the second one,and it looks beautiful! These will be treasured for years to come. Regards, Mike Bowman

From: Rex Bristol - Burkburnett,TX

I'm sorry I did not email sooner...I received the cookbook about 1.5 weeks ago and I'm impressed with the work on the hard cover. I never expected to cover to look like the original. Thanks for preserving this book for years to come. Rex Bristol

From: Michael Diederich - San Mateo, CA

Ed, WOW John Milton is resting easier tonite because of the great restoration you performed. Thanks so much. You ARE an artist. Best regards, Michael

From: John Monts - Spring Hill, TN

I picked the books up the other day at the post office and wanted to let you know how thrilled I am with the work. The Elfstones of Shannara looks brand new, and you can't even tell that one of them had a sticker!! I could not be more satisfied and wanted to thank you for your excellent work. Thanks again, John

From: Scott Simons - Key West, FL

Sorry I took so long to get back to you.Thank you so much for the great job you did on my Beatrix Potter volumes. I'm very much looking forward to reading them to kmy grandson when the time comes. Again,Thank you for the great job. Sincerely yours, Scott Simons

From: Cynthia Hubard Spangler - Memphis, TN

Mr. Stansell, I just received the two books that you did for me and I want to tell you how absolutely thrilled I am with how they look, their beauty, and the quality of the work that you did. It's simply outstanding and I just cannot thank you enough. You restored two books that I thought were hopeless and I swear they're just gorgeous. I cannot wait to show them to my elderly mother, who will be thrilled beyond words. Thank you again. I have more books to send you, but I'll probably wait until after Christmas to get them to you. Thank you so very much. I really do appreciate it. Yours, Cynthia Spangler

From: Catherine Juchau - Glendale, AZ

Dear Ed, My hymn book arrived a little while ago. I am thrilled with how it turned out. I am also very excited that the signature of my 2nd great-grandmother was able to be kept bound in the book since she was the original owner. Thank you for making an effort to keep all the signatures. Also, I was delighted to find a sketch included in the pages that could not be rebound…this sketch of the town must have been glued to one of the boards because I do not recall having seen it before I sent the book off to you for repair. Thank you again for this wonderful gift to me and my family for generations to come. It’s perfect!!! Cathy

From: Gerry Keffer - Eagle River, AK

Thanks, I received the Bible and it looks GREAT! Are you sure about the final amount charged?? I thought that it would be a bit more… Gerry If you meet me and forget me, you lose nothing. If you meet Jesus and forget Him, you lose everything. If you haven't met Jesus, allow me to introduce Him to you.

From: Lauren Andersen - Wilmington, DE

Mr. Stansell, I received the Bible yesterday and it is beautiful. Thanks so much. Lauren Andersen

From: Richard Desharnais - Lowell, MA

Hello Ed, We received the restored family bible and we can’t be more pleased with the work. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and anybody else that worked on this project. I don’t know if this was a typical restoration but I can tell you it means the world to my wife. Thank you, Richard Desharnais

From: Amanda Glesmann - Palo Alto, CA

Dear Mr. Stansell, I just wanted to thank you for doing such a beautiful job on my MA thesis. I'm thrilled with how well it turned out.... Sincerely, Amanda Glesmann Palo Alto, CA

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